Saturday 26 October 2013

This is my final poster design to present my quote, I have used the font Gutenberg as i feel it has a lot in common with the essence of what Oppenheimer said; he knew that after his actions/involvement in the creation of the atomic bomb, the world would never be the same place due to the fact there was now a weapon capable of much more large scale destruction that even before. The future of the world would also be altered greatly by the penning of the first bible which is where the Gutenberg font comes from, i used an emphasis on the word death as this is the subject that Oppenheimer was ultimately troubled by and knew he had caused.

While i was experimenting and developing i also compared Oppenheimer to Adolf Hitler as he also has bought about mass genocide, but decided against the direct link as Oppenheimer was not fully aware of what he was doing whereas Hitler definitely was; i did borrow from the style and colour scheme of the cover of Mein Kampf as this used a similar font and aesthetic.

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